A robot named Monirobo (Monitor robot) was deployed in Fukushima nuclear plant in japan. What does this robots do? Well it was said to help workers at the nuclear power plant in monitoring the radiation level. The 5-foot, 1,300-pound Monirobo has a robotic arm for collecting samples and moving obstacles, and it drives using a pair of treads. It is designed to go where humans can’t, using a radiation detector, four video cameras with 3-D capability, and temperature and humidity sensors. The robots was developed by Japan’s Nuclear Safety Technology Center in association with the Ministry of Economy.
The robot has two version, the red and yellow. The red was design to detect radiation level while the yellow has different functionality. The yellow one is designed to collect dust samples and monitor flammable gas.
Its good to know that finally Japan is starting to move up and using all their technology to recover from the earthquake that brought disaster to their people.
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